Car Insurance And Parking-Car insurance can help you recover costs associated with damage to your car. This includes scratches to the paintwork, dents to the main body, and damage or breakage to the windows. With good car insurance this could also include providing a courtesy car to keep you on the move whilst your car is being repaired.
It's reassuring to know that damage to your car is covered by your car cover, but if you'd like to keep your no claims bonus and you prefer not to make a claim for accidental damage in the first place, you may want to consider careful parking as a preventative measure.
It's reassuring to know that damage to your car is covered by your car cover, but if you'd like to keep your no claims bonus and you prefer not to make a claim for accidental damage in the first place, you may want to consider careful parking as a preventative measure.
If you park in a crowded car park, with lots of vehicles crammed close together, your car may be at increased risk of accidental damage. A careless person opening a car door could easily damage your car, or an inexperienced driver could clip your car or leave a scratch during a manoeuvre. Try to avoid parking in crowded, busy car parks if possible, or at least park in a quieter area, such as the top level of a multi-storey car park.
Avoid parking in poorly lit areas as a safety precaution. Your car could be less visible in the dark, and therefore at greater risk of accidental damage from a third party. Dark, poorly lit areas can also put your car at a greater risk of theft.
Park your car in a private garage at home to reduce risk of damage. The majority of car users will leave their car parked at home more than in any other place, so it's important to have a safe parking spot at home to reduce the risk of damage to your car.
By taking these simple steps to safely parking your car, you will also be closer to reducing your car's risk of accidental damage. As an added precaution, however, you should purchase car insurance from a reputable supplier who will protect you and your car financially in case an accident does happen.
by Josie Anderson