Proper Information Is Key In Getting Cheap Arizona Car Insurance - Shopping around for auto insurance isn't something that many of us necessarily enjoy. Granted, it's much easier today to get an auto insurance rate quote thanks to the Internet. But are you really getting cheap car insurance? You may think your quote sounds reasonable but do you have good coverage and are you receiving all of the discounts you are eligible for?
You want cheap car insurance but you don't want lousy coverage. This means that you have to be knowledgeable of the various auto insurance discounts available to you. The problem is online questionnaire forms are usually short and to the point. You aren't given the opportunity to enter pertinent information that could help you get cheap auto insurance. And, if you don't know what potential discounts exist, how can you provide all of the necessary information?
Remember that coverage changes should be your last resort when trying to get cheap car insurance. First, it's important to make sure that you understand what factors play into your auto insurance rates and make sure that your auto insurance provider has the correct information in their system.
People can be peculiar when shopping for auto insurance. They are often distrusting of whoever is on the other end of the phone, whoever is sitting across from them or the unknown of who is seeing information transferred over the Internet.
While caution should most definitely be displayed when sending personal information over the Internet, it's important that your agent has the correct:
- Zip Code - Insurance companies look at your residency when configuring your rates. For instance, if you live in the city, you have a higher rate than someone who lives in a rural community. Your car is more likely to be vandalized or involved in an accident in congested city traffic. Often times, just one typo on the zip code can be spiking your insurance rate.
- Marital Status - Married rates are typically lower. Your marital status is also important when it comes to linking together policies in the same household for multiple line discounts. It's not uncommon for an insurance carrier to not have a husband and wife linked together for multiple line discounts.
- Car Safety Features - So, you're at the auto dealership and your sales rep calls your insurance carrier to verify your insurance and present new vehicle information. Their focus is on completing the transaction and moving on to the next customer. It has nothing to do with you having cheap car insurance. All it takes is one oversight where they don't mention important safety features, anti-theft devices or provide your insurance provider with the wrong vehicle model. There is also the possibility of a data entry error on the part of your insurer. Routinely make an effort to verify information on your cars.
- Mileage - So, you switched jobs several months ago and your commute to work has gone from a 6 mile drive to catching public transportation or walking a few city blocks. Did you remember to tell your insurance company to ensure that you get cheap car insurance? You probably qualify for a low mileage discount that you haven't been receiving.
- Switch Drivers - A household may get cheap auto insurance by simply switching drivers on vehicles. For example, the husband becomes the principal driver of the minivan, the wife becomes the principal driver on the sports utility vehicle and the teenager becomes the principal driver of the oldest or safest car in the driveway.
Author: Wanda Bell