Safety Tip!
Thieves often watch shoppers take parcels to their cars. They know once a customer returns to the mall, they will have a few moments to make their move. So ...if you have more shopping to do, it would be wise to move your vehicle to a completely new location in the parking lot. Any thieves watching will think you have finished your shopping for the day and will focus their attention on other potential victims. I know this is a hard concept to do, but, it certainly is better than coming out to find your window broken, truck pried open and your parcels all gone. It can happen in a matter of seconds!
Some Tips To Protect Yourself from Parking Lot Break-ins
Make sure you don’t become the next victim of a parking lot break-in. Here are some tips to help keep you, your family and vehicle safe from break-ins at shopping malls and parking lots.
- Always park near other vehicles and in well lit areas, if possible near the front of the stores and roadways.
- Do not park next to large vans or trucks that can block your vehicle from plain view. Thieves will often use large vehicles as cover to break into unsuspecting cars.
- Never leave children unattended at any time. Even for a matter of seconds.
- Common sense dictates that you should never leave your vehicle running or even leave the keys in the ignition, however, it frequently does happen. Probably a lot more than you think and of course the vehicles get stolen. So why make it easy for the thief! Also don’t do it even to run into a corner store. Also, you would think that common sense would stop you from leaving a wallet or purse in the car but people still do it.
- Never leave items inside the vehicle in plain sight for people looking in the car. Parcels, cell phones, brief cases, suit cases, sports equipment such as golf clubs, portable CD players and even CDs left in the open are a calling card for thieves.
- Remember, the safest place to leave parcels and valuables is in your trunk and out of clear sight. Follow these simple precautions and your items are more likely to reach their intended destinations with you and........... you will avoid being a victim of a parking lot break-in.